Thursday, May 19, 2011

Montagnard Documentary Project

      For the documentary project, I worked with my roommate, Katelin Perry. We wanted to know more about Montagnard food and cooking. Nathaniel Hendricks and I went to a cooking event and gathered information. Khin and Kwol taught us how to prepare traditional spring rolls and they talked to us a little bit about their culture and what it was like living in Vietnam.
      Originally, I was planning on doing my project on dance and storytelling, but then I attended the cooking event. Just hearing these women talk about themselves was so fascinating. I decided to change my project to food because Khin and Kwol seemed to open up once they started cooking. I learned a lot from observing them.
      I think the product represents what we wanted to accomplish with this project. It shares a little bit of Montagnard culture with others and we learned something while making the video.

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