Thursday, April 14, 2011

Montagnard Project Brief

    1) Two aspects of the Montagnard culture that interest me are literature and music. I would like to explore traditional storytelling through music and dance, which can also be used to tell stories. It may be difficult to find many of their stories, because they have passed them down orally through generations and have only recently begun to write them down, so I am going to focus on music and dance. I want to compare Montagnard traditions to the music and dance of other cultures.
    3) The diagram represents the things I plan in compare in order to reach a better understanding of the Montagnard culture.

     4) I think I still need to complete more research for my project to be successful. I am going to listen to some traditional music, then learn about the instruments used to create the music and the meaning behind their music and dance.
     5) I would be interested in meeting or talking with both a traditional and young Montagnard musician in order to see how their music has changed. I might also talk with a music student here at school. My mom is part of an African drum circle, so she has some knowledge of traditional African music and dance. I would like to talk to her as well.

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