Thursday, May 5, 2011

Art in the Digital Age: Part 2

    I didn't realize how many artists have begun to take advantage of digital technology until I looked at these resources. 
     Issa's idea is a really good one and she has inspired other artists to follow in her footsteps. She says herself, "The response from people is so positive that it confirms that it's the right way to go, and I'll sink or swim by it".
     Atomic Tom is also utilizing the internet to gain a following. Rather than only the people on the subway at the time getting to see his art, millions can watch it online. I probably would never have known about him had the video not been on Youtube, but I'm glad I was able see it. 
    I didn't really understand how the cosmetics video fit in with the rest of the material, but I was still shocked by the information about how many chemicals we put into our bodies. 
     The wikipedia article on remixes was really interesting. I had no idea that remixes originated in Jamaica., and I also didn't know that they have been around since the sixties. I'm used to modern remixes, such as the one here:
     One part of the article on copyrights stood out to me in particular; "The distinction between fair use and infringement may be unclear and not easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be taken without permission. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission". It's no wonder that people are so confused as to what material is copyrighted and what is open to the public. 
      I had never heard of creative commons before ,but I think it’s a very innovative idea. It emphasizes creativity and sharing rather than worrying about copyright infringement.
     Bound by Law is also a good idea. By putting copyright laws in plain English, it makes the specifics easier to understand and helps fix the problem mentioned above.
     The article on American lawbreaking was also very informative. I think laws need to be more clearly defined to avoid confusion and unnecessary arguments.
     The Donald Duck video was creative and well put together. The idea is inventive and original, despite the fact that it is a remix of other material. 
     I dont' think it's fair that Pogo is being sued for his videos, especially if what he claims about the videos being made for Disney is true. If he was hired by them to make the videos, copyrights shouldn't be an issue. 

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